What is Airport Notes?
Airport Notes application is mainly targeting professional, especially airline or private jet pilots.
Some pilots like to take notes about their experiences, such as:
- Which STAR was used for arrival?
- Which approach was executed?
- Where is the expected parking position and what is the taxi way for that position?
- Which SID used for departure?
- Is there any special operation or rule for that airport?
These questions help pilots to increase their situational awareness next time. But what if he/she flies an airport for the first time? There is neither previous experience nor taken notes.
At this exactly point, Airport Notes takes the stage. Pilots can check and read the latest notes before flying an airport which were written by other pilots. And they can take their notes with their own style and share via Airport Notes with others.
How it works?
Airport Notes works either online or offline. After a little setup at first start it can work anywhere you want. If you prefer while setup you can download all available notes to use app fully offline.
But every moment a note can be added to any airport. To able to read these new notes while not connected to internet, user should open airport detail page while still online; so app can download latest notes to make it available for offline usage.
Airport Notes contains more than 4000 international airports in its database and this database updated regularly and silently; so it is not necessary to take any action by the user.
Airport Notes is available on iOS or Android devices. It is designed to work on phones in portrait mode but it can be installed on tablets.
Both application uses the same API which was coded with PHP and Slim Framework.
For both platforms it was coded natively with Swift and Kotlin.
At iOS version Realm was used for local storage and for Android version ObjectBox was used.
For iOS Alamofire was used and for Android Retrofit was used.
Of course numerous of open source libraries used to make these application available. Thanks for all the contributors.
MVVM architecture was used at both application.
Want to learn more?
If you are interested with Airport Notes or my development style you can contact me.